sâmbătă, 15 iunie 2013

La vie en rose

Hi again, dear friends, after such a long absence... A lot has changed in my life since then, I have become the mother of the fourth child and I am really happy for it! I am really blessed!

Sometime last year, I started a project... I had some idea about what I wanted to do with it, but life got in the way and a few days ago I decided I should finish it already, because I have so many other plans for various things (including my first commission for a roombox :) )... So I did everything I could to make the final touches and here it is today, waiting for some feedback from you!

 You might recognize a few items, those were sent to me as gifts from other fellow miniaturists. Thank you so much! I'm talking about the bag, the roses frame, the shell display, the beauty set on the vanity table. the perfume bottles. Everything else was made by me: the bed was made out of scratch, the table foot was made by aligning a few beads together, the stool was made by using an old glue cap. The mirror brings back a lot of memories, I received it from a friend in the UK when I was a teen! :) I just framed it with some border stickers. To make the roses look smaller, i just ripped off a few petals from some paper roses I had in my stash.

The view from the window is a cutout from a magazine, the lamp is a gift, as well as the box of chocolates on the shelf. The bookcase is made of balsa wood. It was the first time I worked with this type of material and I loved it because I could cut it so easily! The feet of the chair are pieces of toothpicks. :) I bough a whole bunch of them especially for this kind of things... You can also see a lot of printies. Thank you to everyone that help us by posting templates and so on...!
The armoir doors open and, in there, you can see some clothes. I am actually planning on making a couple more dresses to hang in  there, but I was too anxious to wait until then to post pictures... :)
The boxes and trunk are empty. The shoes came from a doll that my daughters got as a present, but they were too young to play with this kind of dangerous toys so I took them off of the doll's feet.
 The roombox is covered with pretty paper in tone with the colours inside the room. I really hope you like it. It's a lot of pink, I know, but I made this with a special kind of girl in mind...there are some girls who REALLY love pink, you know? :) Besides, it helped me with  rendering this nostalgic feel... I look forward to hearing from you, I appreciate your comments very much! Thank you!


miercuri, 5 iunie 2013

Breslo.ro, cel mai important magazin handmade

Acum ceva vreme, mi-am deschis micul meu magazin handmade. Cum cei mai multi potentiali clienti sunt online, atunci acolo am decis si eu ca e bine si comod sa-l deschid: pe www.breslo.ro, cel mai important si mai popular magazin online de handmade din Romania.

Initial, am deschis acest magazin ca sa vand miniaturile mele din lut polimeric pe post de bijuterii (cercei, brose etc.). Apoi, am continuat sa creez alte obiecte de suflet, in speranta ca si alti oameni care le vor vedea vor gasi  in privitul lor aceeasi placere pe care am gasit-o eu in crearea acelor obiecte. Datorita vietii mele de familie cu multi copii mici (am nascut al 4-lea copil abia acum 3 luni). Timpul meu pentru creatii handmade nu este atat de mult pe cat mi-as dori, insa, in asteptarea catorva minute libere cand doarme bebe iar copiii mai mari sunt la gradinita, ticluiesc mereu in mintea mea ce si cum vreau sa fac si sa expun in magazin. In plus, nu reusesc sa aprovizionez magazinul pe cat de repede as vrea fiindca imi doresc sa fac atat de multe lucruri incat am mereu mai multe proiecte in lucru in acelasi timp, nu ma hotarasc pe care sa-l las sa astepte si pe care ar trebui sa-l termin mai intai. 

De ce este breslo.ro cel mai grozav magazin din Romania??? Pentru ca te ajuta sa dai aripi creatorului din tine, te ajuta sa simti ca poti sa faci viata mai frumoasa, atat pentru tine cat si pentru cel care se va bucura de creatia ta. Ma pasioneaza ceea ce fac, imi pun tot sufletul in obiectul creat si descopar mereu lucruri pe care mi-as dori sa le creez. Ador sa "sap" in depozitul meu de materiale crafty, fie pentru a crea ceva din proprie initiativa (pentru cadouri sau pentru magazin), fie pentru a le face copiilor o mare bucurie de fiecare data cand ei imi spun: "mami, vrem sa facem ceva frumos cu lucrurile tale!". Asta inseamna ca, din "desaga" mea, scot mereu materiale potrivite pentru a face diverse proiecte cu copiii mei; pentru ei, debaraua mea ticsita de materiale creative este ca o pestera a comorilor, un taram al fagaduintei de unde ei asteapta mereu sa iasa cate o minunatie care sa le faca dupa-amiezele mai frumoase, mai pline de sens. 

Breslo.ro este magazinul meu preferat fiindca simt ca, datorita acestui mic magazin pe care l-am deschis acolo (www.breslo.ro/Shop/artcraftland), simt cum creativitatea mea sporeste de la o zi la alta si, uite asa, de la bijuteriile din fimo, am ajuns sa vand felicitari, roomboxes, rame foto, nasturi, accesorii pentru par, pentru petrecerile de copii...toate facute de mana mea. Este coltisorul meu de liniste si nu pot sa va zic cat de fericita sunt de fiecare data cand mai primesc o comanda! Faptul ca altcuiva i-au placut creatiile mele imi intareste increderea de sine si ma umple de energie pozitiva. As fi foarte bucuroasa sa pot crea ceva pe placul fiecaruia, as vrea sa stiu ce crede fiecare despre creatiile mele si ce anume si-ar dori sa gaseasca intr-un magazin de handmade si nu prea reuseste...poate il cream impreuna! :) Eu va astept cu drag!!www.breslo.ro